Wednesday, October 1

Welcome to Snarkopolis

Dude who asked me for directions this morning: I sort of regret taking off in the opposite direction while you were still talking, but I had a schedule to keep and you weren't paying me for my time. It took your post-hippie brain 30 seconds to formulate your question, 30 seconds to process my response and I-don't-know-how-long to find the name of the street you were looking for even though the directions were right in front of you.

Also, let's face it: you're not the safest looking guy. While your Keith Richards wannabe look might make some biker chick say "Yum", it didn't exactly inspire my confidence. That ponytail, hair bandana and giant gypsy earring? All very nice if you're dressing up as Jack Sparrow for Halloween, but October 31 is a long way off and we're even further from the summer of '69. And what was up with that furry, dead-animal-looking beaded thing hanging from your rearview mirrror? What was that, anyway? I wasn't about to get one foot closer to your rape van to find out.

Now maybe you're a perfecly lovely person who was just having a rough day. If so, lo siento, perdon, mea culpa and all that, but a lone woman 's gotta look out for herself, you know? Dude?


ljm said...

Ha! Were you walking on CH road? I remember getting asked for directions so many times there.

La La Palooza said...

Yes! One would think that with all the online maps people would get lost less, but no...