Wednesday-Saturday I camped out at Soulfest, a Christian music festival held in Gilford. Around 11,000 tickets for the event were sold, and as many of the festival goers were believers, the atmosphere was very different from secular musical festivals.
I didn't take many pictures because my camera battery died, but I got a few from the candle light prayer service. I wanted a picture of the prayer cross because it is significant, so I snagged one from the internet.
Throughout the day, hundreds of people pound nails symbolizing sin or burdens into the cross. In the evening, the nails are covered with carnations, a visual representation of God's forgiveness. Each morning the nails and flowers are removed.
I had a good time this year despite the rain and was extremely thankful that my cheapie Target tent lived up to its waterproof claim. Lindsay joined me Thursday which made me happier than a clam in silt.
Besides the absence of drugs and alcohol, I'd say the main difference is how people treated eachother. 4 people offered to help me lug gear to my camping site and set up the tent. Every morning a guy named Roger made pancakes and coffee for anyone who wanted it. A wallet dropped in a crowd of thousands of people was returned intact to the owner. I probably met more people in 4 days than I have all year. Because of the bond that exists between members of God's family, chatting with strangers was easier than usual.
This is the second year I've gone to Soulfest as a World Vision volunteer and worked at the sponsorship tent or the African Experience tent. In 4 days approx. 200 children from a village in Mozambique were chosen to be sponsored. Yay!!!
I didn't take many pictures because my camera battery died, but I got a few from the candle light prayer service. I wanted a picture of the prayer cross because it is significant, so I snagged one from the internet.
Throughout the day, hundreds of people pound nails symbolizing sin or burdens into the cross. In the evening, the nails are covered with carnations, a visual representation of God's forgiveness. Each morning the nails and flowers are removed.
I had a good time this year despite the rain and was extremely thankful that my cheapie Target tent lived up to its waterproof claim. Lindsay joined me Thursday which made me happier than a clam in silt.
I enjoyed the experience as a whole more than the brain jarringly loud music, but I was pleased to see Unspoken in concert again. Also, Steve Geyer, a speaker and comedian, was excellent. Some WV volunteers made it an especially wonderful time, most notably Mark, Elaina and Nathan, who Lindsay called the "cute cow people" because they're dairy farmers, and a special family from Dover.
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