I have to thank William of Occam (or Ockham) for his wonderful logic tool, the theory known as Occam's razor. I rely on it tremendously. Simply put (that's the only way I could put it), the theory is that the simplest explanation is the best one. However, the way I think of it is, the most obvious explanation is the right one.
Occam's razor, among other factors, leads me to believe that someone placed a dead skunk on our walkway last night. It is the most likely explanation for the presence of said skunk. It seems more likely than the probability that the skunk, after receiving it's injuries, dragged itself to out walkway and expired. It also seems more likely that someone put it there than that an animal dragged or carried it to our walkway and left it there.
Additionally, the animal appears to have been dead for a few days. My dad thinks it is bloated, ie decomposition has begun, which rules out the idea of an injured skunk dragging itself and dying on our doorstep.
For suspects, I'd put my money on either union goons, because they have threatened my dad in the past, or the same people who removed our political signs. Or maybe they are one and the same. Anyway....
I wonder if every McCain voter is feeling the same today; discouraged, upset, worried, fearful? I've been struggling with these feelings but God has been so good in giving me hope. He reminded me that Jesus, not the Obamanation, is my future and Jesus, not John McCain, is my hope. I have a glorious inheritance in Christ Jesus. I am a citizen of that world. Our struggle is against evil spirits and powers, not people, and they are already defeated. Jesus conquered them, saying, "It is finished."