Monday, April 28

Party Like a Catholic!

Friday I partied like a Catholic. No kidding, the party was in a rectory. Someone opened a door in the hallway and I saw the inside of the chapel. Weird, but an enriching experience for several reasons.

1. Who knew there were good looking priests who wear the collars of their Abercrombie shirts flipped? Not me. I can't picture the guy reading me my last rites, but it wouldn't be a bad way to go...

2. Some party-goers fomented Protestant - Catholic tensions, and entering into the spirit of the Reformation, suggested printing a copy of the 95 Theses and nailing it to the church door.

3. I learned how to get away with taking a dog into Burger King and also that the Catholic Church never approved the idea of Limbo so it never existed. I suspect that the former bit of information will have more life application than the latter.

4. Ben from North Carolina being schooled on how to be one of the "frozen chosen" and his response to my question about Southerners and the Civil war: "You mean the war of Northern aggression?"

5. And of course, celebrating Big Ol Maahty's birthday.


Anonymous said...

1. Uh... Did Damien host the shindig? I haven't heard from or about him in years... Kinda like not seeing me for a long time :)

2. Awwwwwwwww, I wanna foment! ...If foment a word or a type of latte?

3. I never thought about limbo but I did think about purgatory, and I'm still confused about whether limbo or purgatory was Abraham's Bosom. Gotta find that verse again...

4. I'm totally confused.

5. "Big Ol"? Doesn't he still weigh 100 pounds soaking wet? I ate his weight in chicken last night! ...that's not totally true, there was some refried beans involved...

6. Sorry I missed it.

misserose said...

Abraham's Bosom? Purgatory? Scripture? Beans?

Anonymous said...

