Tuesday, August 26

La Wally

Wally has entered the pupal stage. If you look closely you can see lines indicating folds of wings under the leathery skin of the pupa. The segmented part is active, ie, it can swing that pointy thing around. I suppose its a defense against anything that thinks pupas make tasty meals...like the Chinese.

The big question is how long until the moth ecloses (a cool bug term I just learned, meaning "emerge"). Some pupas winter over for as many as two winters!!! Don't do that to me, Wally.

Just now, as I was scrolling through pictures of moths on http://www.whatsthatbug.com/, an extensive identification site, I was filled with awe over how much detail God put into designing even these humble insects. Considering how some moths are decked out, though, it might be contradictory to call them humble.

Lots of moths only come out at night. Where's their audience? Who was meant to witness all that beauty, other than God Himself? I think its beautiful that the Creator put wonder all around us, even in night creatures that we may never see.

In other news, when I googled "eumorpha pandorus pupa", my very own blog came up on the first page of results! It's a little surprising to unexpectedly find oneself on the internet.

1 comment:

KJ said...

"ecloses"... love the new word! I hope Wally makes it safe and sound :)

And I love that about God, too: Creating such amazing beauty even in a moth! If He takes time with them, He must really care about us too and will make us beautiful for His glory as well.