Monday, May 5


I recommend going behind waterfalls whenever possible. I've been behind two waterfalls and wowzer, it's an awesome experience. Getting there might be rough. One time I nearly died a thousand deaths slipping on rocks and my feet were practically torn to shreds, but it was worth it.

The wind generated by a good-sized waterfall is powerful. Standing right behind the water, I saw bubbles floating upward as if there were no gravity. That was mind bending. I felt like I was standing on my head or the world was upside down because bubbles ought to float downward.

That alone was worth the foot agony, but I also got to see the world from behind a sheet of water. It was mesmerizing and a little surreal. The scene is familiar yet changed by the flashing stream separating the observer from the outside. The space behind a waterfall is so set apart that time feels stilled as you watch it go by outside. I wonder if that's how aliens feel...

Anyway, if the chance to go behind a waterfall presents itself, take it.

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